Posts tagged desa parkcity
The Ng Family

'I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh.'
- Audrey Hepburn

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Ended my 2018 with this gorgeous Singaporean family, who were in KL for a holiday. This little boy was such a laughter bunny! It was so contagious that for the whole shoot, I was just laughing behind my camera. He and his big brother were just amazing- they were just so full of expressions. <3

I also have a huge confession to make… if a child cries, or falls down in front of my camera, I’ll always stay put, to make sure I get that shot. Cause honestly, they are just the cutest, and makes for the best kind of photos! #plsdonthateme

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The Lee Family

Focus . Speed . I am Speed
- Lightning McQueen, Cars

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Buses, trains, and cars - especially Lightning McQueen, little A had me laughing as I photographed him. He also definitely kept me zooming after him. I really felt like old Mater, as I tried to catch up to his Lightning McQueen.

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Family: Adrian + Pei Hwa PLUS 1!

Little boy rules: Explore, Discover new things, Go on an Adventure! 

When clients I've photographed, comes back for another session, this time with a little one in tow. I absolutely loved photographing and getting to know this cheeky little one.

The Khoo Family

you're the sunshine brightening my days
please never set.
- decym

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I love photographing large families. It's organised chaos, with people talking all over each other - competing to be heard; it's loud raucous laughter - most of the time, making fun of each other; most of all, it's the undercurrent of LOVE and knowing that this huge family has got your back, always! 

With siblings flying home from Australia, and another driving up from Singapore, the Khoo Family made for some very fun, and laugh-out-loud moments, at their session.

The Ritrosi Family

them bouncy curls, and sass...

When photographing, I vibe off families. I love families who are completely laid back, who come as they are (preferably without a pinterest board full of ideas on poses). The Ritrosi family was one like that - they came dressed down, and fully prepared to have some fun in the park, with their gorgeous curly-haired, bubble-loving, cheeky, smiley little toddler. 

The Yapp Family

A person is a person,
no matter how small
- Dr Seuss 'Horton Hears a Who' 

Little G is a baby no more! And what a character he is too! Even though his baby fats were all gone, I enjoyed getting to know the cherubic now two-year old. Flashback to when he was just a tiny baby here.

Family Portrait: The Wongs

Happiness is...
a BIG, CHAOTIC family!

A little boy, a little girl, a set of twin baby boys, their parents, their grandparents... I enjoyed every minute - yes even the sweaty ones - spent photographing, this loud, boisterous, and very friendly family. Their love and joy overflowed, and made me smile as I photographed them. There was never a dull moment!

Family Portrait: CSDEE

My big brother, my best friend

High energy, hilarious, and so completely lovable. I had the best time with these two little ones and their parents. There are definitely pros and cons when you've got siblings close to you in age. You fight, you make up, you share your deepest darkest secrets, you can scream at them the first minute, and hug them the next. No matter what, you're grateful for them.

Hello Bump: Cheang Maternity

A grand adventure is about to begin
- Winnie the Pooh -

Tim and Suwen are dear friends. We've been through so many things together. I've also photographed their engagement session, as well as coordinated their wedding. We usually do boardgames and coffee together... #itsbeensolong! When we were hanging out one day, we decided to do a quick 20-minute maternity portrait session with them. 

Family Portrait: The Chews

Families are like fudge,
mostly sweet, with a few nuts.

"Hello, welcome!" that was Juin's first words to me.

When my husband first recommended that we tried a new cafe in Uptown, I was a little skeptical about the coffee it served (#coffeesnob). Little did I know that it would become one of our favourite cafes.

As I ingested a huge amount of coffee in our countless (almost once-every-two-days) coffee trips, a friendship began to form and grow with this very lovable, gorgeous inside out barista girl, Juin. Through our conversations, her love for her family shone through. Her face lit up as she spoke about the antics her many nieces and nephews get up to.

So when Juin asked me if I could take her family portraits, I couldn't wait to meet everyone.